
New narratives: why storytelling matters for foundations and nonprofits

Nelson Amaya and Rossana Tatulli from the OECD Centre on Philanthropy on how sharing information fosters collaboration in philanthropy for development.

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Philanthropy often sets out with big ambition. A funder has a big, bold idea, and they set out to impart that on whatever project that they are involved in.  But I think what’s more important is to really understand the size and scale of a problem and then from there, find out how - and with whom - you’re going to solve it.

One of my friends and mentors always says, systems change requires leaving your egos and logos aside and thinking more about what's between organisations, than what you are doing doing individually.

The END Fund is a funding collaborative that mobilises resources from a community of donors and then partner with NGOs to design programmes combatting neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) across 25 countries, with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa.


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